Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wedding....again in The Philippines (views of an overseas bride)

A year and 3 months after our civil wedding, Chris and I got married in Manila. 8th January 2006- d’day.

I can make a novel out of my experiences during our wedding preparation, but I won’t do that. Let me just state how it was to be an overseas bride.

1. Internet will be your best friend. Your research abilities will become very handy. It was great that I can “google” anything.
2. Preparing from miles away, a very good friend who will serve as your “eye” to check out suppliers’ legitimacy is a must especially if you cannot afford a full coordination package. In this matter, I had Noel Galang.
3. Have a plan. Write it. This will make you stick to your plan more. For me, writing a plan is the first sign of commitment.
4. Know what kind of wedding you want to have- consider finances, time, and most of all, be realistic.
5. Be proactive.

All couples will always remember their wedding. But what makes my wedding more memorable were:

1. My best friend since college, Carla, has to move her wedding a month after to give way to my wedding date.
2. My very good friend who sacrificed a lot coordinating my wedding to fulfill the wedding plans, Noel Galang, had to leave one day before my wedding to pursue his job in a passenger cruise liner.
3. Our family and friends who were very supportive since the preparation began and stuck with us all the way through.

Was it all worth it?.... Definitely, a YES!

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